Tajikistan, Geschichte Tadschikistans zwischen 1991-1996, Diplomatisches Korps in Dushanbe, Diplomatic Corps in Dushanbe, Corps Diplomatique de Douchanbé, Corpo diplomatico a Dushanbe, Дипломатический корпус в Душанбе, Diplomatische Vertretungen Tadschikistans, Diplomatic missions of Tajikistan, Missions diplomatiques du Tadjikistan, Missioni diplomatiche del Tagikistan, Дипломатические представительства Таджикистана, History of Tajikistan between 1991-1996, Histoire du Tadjikistan 1991-1996, Storia del Tagikistan tra il 1991-1996, История Таджикистана в 1991-1996 годах

Diplomatic Corps in Dushanbe

Here you will find Diplomatic Corps in Dushanbe.

For further Information please contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan.

  1. Embassy of Afghanistan
    Pushkin Str. 34, Dushanbe
    Tel.: 221-67-35, 221-60-72,
    Fax: 224-63-64, 251-00-96
    Mail: afghanemintj@yahoo.com
  2. Embassy of China
    Rudaki Ave. 143, Dushanbe
    Tel.: 224-20-07, 224-10-94
    Fax: 251-00-24, 224-41-22
    Mail: chinaebassy@tajnet.com
  3. Embassy of France
    Rahimi Str. 17, 2nd passage, Dushanbe
    Tel.: +992-43-377-30-00
    Fax: +992-43-377-30-80
  4. Embassy of Germany
    Somoni Str. 59/1, Dushanbe
    Tel.: (+992) 43-377-30-00
    Fax: (+992) 43-377-30-80
  5. Embassy of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    Tursunzade Str. 65, Dushanbe
    Tel.: 224-22-21, 224-14-77
    Fax: 227-17-26
  6. Embassy of India
    Bukhoro Str. 45, Dushanbe
    Tel.: +992 (37) 221 71 72
    Fax: +992 (37) 251 00 35
    Mail: info.dushanbe@mea.gov.in
  7. Embassy of Iran
    Tehran 18, Dushanbe
    Tel.: +992 (37) 221 00 72
    Fax: +992 (37) 251-00-89
  8. Embassy of Japan
    H.Nazarov Str. 80/A, Dushanbe
    Tel.: +992-37-227 54 36
    Fax: +992-44-600 54 78
  9. Embassy of Kazakhstan
    Huseinzoda Str. 31/1, Dushanbe
    Tel.: 221-11-08, 221-89-40
    Fax: 221-89-40, 221-01-08
    Mail: dushanbe@mfa.kz
  10. Embassy of Kyrgyzstan
    Said Nosir str. 56/A, Dushanbe
    Tel.: 224-26-11
    Fax: 224-26-11
    Mail: kyremb@tajnet.com
  11. Embassy of Pakistan
    Dostoevski Str.1-3, Dushanbe
    Tel.: 223-01-77
    Fax: 221-17-29
    Mail: pareptaj@rs.tj
  12. Embassy of Russia
    Abu Ali ibn Sino Str. 29-31, Dushanbe
    Tel.: (992 37) 235-98-27
    Fax: (992 37) 235-88-06
    Mail: embassy.dushanbe@yandex.ru
  13. Consular department
    Tel.: 236-24-41, 236-25-97
    Fax: 236-24-41
    Mail: dushanbe@dks.ru
  14. Representative of Federal migration service
    Tel.: 221-79-36
  15. General consulate in Khudjand
    Sir-Darariya Str. 21, Khudjand
    Tel.: 6-46-73, 4-01-85
    Mail: ognivo@sugdien.com
  16. Swiss Cooperation office
    Pavlov Str. 20, Dushanbe
    Tel.: 224-73-16, 224-38-97
    Fax: 901-50-40, 224-13-53
    Mail: dushanbe@sdc.net
  17. Embassy of Sweden
    Drujby Narodov Str. 106, Dushanbe
    Tel.: 224-62-65, 221-44-06
    Fax: 251-00-39
  18. Embassy of Turkey
    Rudaki Ave. 17/2, Dushanbe
    Tel.: 221-22-08
    Fax: 21-00-36
    Mail: turkdusa@tajnet.com
  19. Embassy of Turkmenistan
    Rudaki Str. 105/1, Dushanbe
    Tel.: +992 (372) 21 04 61/4/6
    Fax: +992 (372) 21 68 84
  20. Embassy of the USA
    Somoni Str. 109/A, Dushanbe
    Tel.: 229-20-00
    Fax: 236-04-30, 229-20-50
  21. Embassy of Uzbekistan
    Sanoi Str. 30, Dushanbe
    Consular section
    L.Sherali Str. 15
    Tel.: 224-75-39,
    Fax: 224-99-03
  22. Representation of the European Commission
    Telman Str. 6-8, Pr. 2, Dushanbe
    Tel.: 221-74-07, 223-21-76
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