Bukhara - the Ulugbek Madrasa
The Ulugbek Madrasa in Bukhara: a masterpiece of Islamic architecture and education
The Ulugbek Madrasa in Bukhara is an impressive testimony to the flourishing educational and architectural culture during the reign of Ulugbek, a descendant of Amir Temur. Ulugbek was actively involved in the promotion of science and had numerous madrasas built in various cities across the country. The Ulugbek Madrasa in Bukhara, which was built in 1417, was built even earlier than the similar institutions in Samarkand and Gijduvan and served as a prototype for them.
The construction of the impressive building was carried out by the outstanding architects Ismayil Isfagani and Najmiddin Bukhari. However, the madrasa did not take on its current appearance with its characteristic majolica coating until 1585, when extensive restoration work was carried out. Contemporary reports state that Ulugbek gave valuable gifts to all pupils and teachers on his first visit – proof of his appreciation of education.
The madrasa was originally designed to train 80 apprentices, but according to historical sources, up to 150 students learnt here at any one time. Lessons focussed particularly on mathematics, astronomy, the Arabic language and religious studies. In addition to accommodation, the students also received a decent scholarship, which emphasises the importance of the educational institution.
Architecturally, the Ulugbek Madrasa impresses with its harmonious and balanced structure, which has a majestic effect despite its rather simple decoration. The building has a rectangular shape and an impressive size. The large portal on the façade of the main entrance is particularly striking. In contrast to the traditional arrangement of many madrasas, where the central corridor leads directly to the inner courtyard, tradition has been broken here: The corridor is divided into two halves, each leading to the mosque and the study room.
A special highlight of the madrasa is the inscription on the entrance portal: a carved extract from the Koran admonishes every true Muslim to strive for knowledge – a motto that Ulugbek Madrasa himself lived by. Next to it is another inscription, which states that the blessings of God will be bestowed on those who grasp the wisdom of the books.
Ulugbek, who became famous as a wise ruler and outstanding astronomer, also immortalised his passion for exploring the heavens in the astral decoration of the madrasa. The elaborate patterns and ornaments on the walls of the building reflect this thirst for knowledge. They were executed in various techniques, which can be attributed to the numerous restorations of the madrasa over the centuries.
The Ulugbek Madrasa in Bukhara is still considered one of the most important works of Islamic architecture and a symbol of the spirit of enlightenment that flourished under Ulugbek. This masterpiece is not only a place of learning, but also a monument to the cultural and scientific heyday of Central Asia.