Turkestan - mausoleum Arystan Baba
The mausoleum was built over the tomb of the famous religious mystic Arystan Baba, 60 km from Turkestan, who lived in the 12th century. The first construction of the mausoleum dates back to the XIV and XV centuries, from which the carved wooden columns of the Aivan have been preserved. In the XVIII. Century, a domed building with Aivan was built on the site of an old mazar destroyed by an earthquake, based on two carved wooden columns. The building from the XVIII. Century was destroyed and rebuilt in 1909, according to the inscription on one of the frieze cartouches. In 1971, the mosque was demolished and rebuilt because of the high water table that led to its plight. The building was constructed of fired bricks on alabaster mortar in the exposed brickwork of the walls.
Today, the mausoleum is one of the Muslim shrines of Central Asia and a place of pilgrimage. According to legend, Arystan Baba was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V). One day Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V) and his companions were sitting there eating persimmons. One of the fruits kept falling out of the bowl and the Prophet heard a revelation, “This persimmon is meant for a Muslim, Ahmad, who will be born 400 years after you. The Prophet asked his companions who would give this persimmon to the future host. No one volunteered. The Prophet repeated his question and then Arystan Baba replied, “If you ask Allah for 400 years of life, I will pass on the persimmon. According to traditions and written sources (“Risolai Sarem Isfijob” and Kuprilozad book), Arystan Baba became the teacher of Khoja Ahmad Yassavi after 400 years and actually gave him persimmons.
Today, there is a 30 x 13 m mausoleum over the tomb of Arystan Bab. According to historical information, this mausoleum was rebuilt and renovated several times in the XII and XVIII centuries. It was rebuilt and renovated several times in the XII and XVIII centuries. Near the mausoleum of Arystan Baba there is a well with very salty water that has healing properties (Sairam village, Turkestan region).